
[Video] How to Secure Earned Media Coverage for Your Product

July 22, 2020

Read Melodie’s full blog

TRANSCRIPT: Hi, I’m Melodie Elliott, and today we’re going to talk about building organic awareness for your product or service. Did you know that every second Google receives 50,000 queries? It’s mind-boggling – 50,000 queries! What are people looking up? Some people might be looking to get recommendations on new products and services that are out there. Maybe it’s Father’s Day and someone wants to find out, “What’s the best new Father’s Day present I could give that’s not a tie?” Or if it’ssummer time, they could be thinking about, “What kind of grill should I buy, and what kind of criteria should I keep in mind when buying that grill?” Holidays. We’re always looking for new gift ideas. Someone might look up “What’s a great gift under $100?” Well, we always tell our clients that if you want to be in organic search, it’s great to be included in editorial features. That means a non-paid, editorial roundup where an editor has pulled together multiple products and vetted them and reviewed them and put them in their article. Journalists all year long are putting together different stories about the best new products that are out there. They vet and review hundreds of products every day to go in themed articles. Those articles come up in organic search up at the top and that’s exactly where you want to be. So, how do you get that placement? First of all, we would tell you, you need to think about timing: six months in advance. If you want to be in a summer article with your product, you need to think about going to that journalist in January or February. I know it sounds like a long time but they need all that time to review your product and then put it in their roundup and get it approved by their editors. Having the right relationships can make all of the difference and we have that. Working with a seasoned agency who’s been doing this for a number of years, we can help make a difference for you. And your time is valuable. You may not know who all to go to and we can handle that for you. One thing we would tell you is that you need to have great visuals. A picture is worth a thousand words, so you want to make sure you have 300 DPI photography and photography that’s very clear and illustrates exactly what your product does. Next: succinct messaging. You want to make sure that you don’t drone on and on and provide a very long brochure to these editors. Did you know that 75 words really is the gist of what they need to figure out if this is the right product for them to include? So, all in all, we have to tell you, if you want to get a hit, we can help you get it done. You just need to have the right visuals and succinct messaging and we’ll make it happen. Take care!