Social Media: Don’t Fail to Plan!

January 13, 2022

Set Your Brand Up For Social Success In The New Year

Not-so-breaking-news: It’s a new year! If you’re in charge of your company’s social media presence, you’re likely being faced with a daunting, blank content calendar. How do you embrace the white space instead of becoming overwhelmed?

We created three steps to help you set your brand up for social success. And if you ever find yourself in a creative conundrum, check out this Social Media Content Ideas graphic (it may just be worth bookmarking!).



Plan Ahead

The social media landscape is always changing, but one aspect always remains the same: You MUST have a plan. Remember the three Cs of social planning:

CREATE content calendars at least one month in advance (Google Sheets is a great, collaborative option)
COMMUNICATE regularly with your team to ensure a steady flow of content (more on that below)
COORDINATE any graphic/video needs well in advance

Anticipate the Unplanned

Although “failing to plan is planning to fail” is an adage many PR & marketing professionals live by, the best social media content sometimes can’t be planned. Don’t create such a rigid content calendar that you can’t fit in those unplanned, timely, golden nuggets of content. Some of the most engaging content happens in the spur of the moment!

Utilize Your Best Ambassadors

As much as social media managers wish we could, we can’t be everywhere at once. That’s why it’s important to stay in close touch with your team members and remind them (often) to send you photos and content for your channels. Capitalizing on external brand ambassadors is even better.

Now you can think of that blank content calendar as a time to try new, creative ideas. Remember don’t be afraid to ditch what isn’t working and maximize the content that is engaging your audience.