Reputation Matters

January 1, 2019

How Do You Measure Your Reputation?

Some say we live in a reputation economy, but what does that mean? Everything we say or do, whether it is on behalf of a company or ourselves, is available for the world to see. Because of this, it is important to be aware of your company’s reputation. The digital age allows us to constantly rate and share our experiences, meaning it is more crucial than ever to be conscious of your reputation. Something as small as one tweet could make your company thrive or die.

Reputation Institute

The Reputation Institute began in 1995 when Dr. Charles Fombrun and Dr. Cees van Riel met. Over time, the company went global. Their consumer-driven data feeds the Forbes 100 list of companies and brands with the best reputation. The chart below shows just how important a company’s reputation is to stakeholders when making decisions.

The data above proves that consumers are much more likely to choose a brand with a strong reputation. In the past, companies often judged their reputation by media impressions, the frequency of media placements and publicity value. Now, there are ways to measure what consumers really think about a company and their reputation. Regardless of reputation, all companies tell their story. Whether it’s social media, traditional media, blog or video, these mediums allow companies to share who they are. If you don’t tell your story, someone else will do it for you.

Watch the “Two Minutes from Sunwest” video