Create a Podcast, and Don’t Be Afraid!

September 30, 2020

The Positives of Creating a Podcast

Caroline Hazelbaker | Account Coordinator

A few of my colleagues and I are about to embark on what we’re calling a “podcast adventure.” As we’ve researched how to create a podcast, we’ve learned one thing for sure: Listening to a podcast and creating one of your own are two completely different beasts.

As most of you can probably relate, my knowledge of podcasts is rooted in the consumer side of things  – i.e. I love listening to them. Some of my teams’ favorites are Serial, Moms and Murder, and The Bible Project. Now that we’re going to create a podcast of our own, it hit me that I don’t really know much about the behind-the-scenes part of the process.

So I reached out to Jerry, our newly appointed podcast guru, to ask questions and learn what it takes. At this point in our PR careers, we’re old pros at creating, editing, and publishing videos, which I assumed  – and hoped  – would be super similar to the podcast process. I was wrong! But everything I learned got me even more excited to get behind the mic. That’s why I’m outlining two pieces of information that gave me peace of mind as a podcast novice  – and I hope it’ll do the same for you.

Two girls who host their own podcast#1: The post-editing process sounds magical.

We all stumble over our words sometimes. It’s part of being a human being. If you don’t think you use filler words like “umm,” and “so,” trust me  – you do. When you create a podcast, flubs in conversation can be seamlessly edited out in post-production. This is one difference I appreciate between video shoots and podcasts. Jagged cuts in videos are pretty obvious to the viewer, but cuts in podcasts can be very smooth because either 1) you’re not recording it (but we recommend you do) or 2) you have an A camera and B camera that you can switch to when editing out any speaking mishaps.

See? No pressure! 

#2: Podcasts are often much more relaxed and organic than a video.

Let’s face it. Everyone freezes up in front of the camera. Even the most seasoned actresses or broadcast journalists probably experience at least a little stage fright. On a podcast, the camera (if you have one set up) is less apparent. It’s not the main focus. Everyone can take a deep breath, sit in their chairs a little more comfortably, and just talk. Hosts and guests can be fully present in the conversation.

With these reassurances in mind, we hope you’ll be compelled to create a podcast of your own. Just remember, each podcast has a different goal  – whether that’s to entertain or educate, or even to interview interesting people. With Sunwest’s new podcast (which we won’t divulge the details of yet), we aim to educate people, specifically on the often misunderstood Generation Z. Regardless of your goal, knowing that there’s no too much pressure will surely allow us all to relax and simply converse.